Beyond enforcement

‘Puzzling, baffling, bewildering, perplexing, mysterious…. and the #GrandWorkCompFraud band marches on; Profits for all concerned were how high last year?

My employer just extended leave of absence ( without benefits or claim audits to find out why there have been failures to provide medically necessary care for over 3 years for a traumatic brain injury). The letter and attachments suggested they could not keep

extending forever.

I guess they hope that more rest and wait and wait and wait is the new scientifically advised work comp only treatment for brain injury. They still don’t know how to extend a ‘get well’ wish

either… Or raise funds to alleviate the health and financial devastation  they have caused.

I filled out the surveys for both ProPublica and OSHA… I wonder…

Carry on Committees of Bloggers and other experts in the field… Work comp is a killing field; Send in the demolition teams and let’s hope the DA and the DOJ are not ‘AWOL’ much


Thank you.

Published by Linda Ayres and Friends Continue to #DodgeTheRads #TwitterUp Video:

One reply on “Beyond enforcement”

  1. “In describing this class of traumatic brain injury”, says Asvar, “the term ‘mild’ is an absolute misnomer given the severity of possible complications and repercussions.” He adds, “Dismissing someone’s brain injury as ‘mild’ is akin to saying someone is ‘mildly’ paraplegic.” Chris Asvar, Esq.

    Note: Chris Asvar did his job for his young client: “LOS ANGELES – January 25, 2012. Los Angeles-based attorney Christopher Asvar has just secured the highest known workers’ compensation insurance settlements in California history, totaling $8.9 million on behalf of his young client who suffered a work-place traumatic brain injury.”


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