Do you ever wonder…What do the Treasury Department Peeps think about WorkCompsters? WE ARE THE MEDIA NOW – BE GEEKY! —–Original Message—– From: lindaayres <lindaayres@aol.com> To: fred.sachs <fred.sachs@cna.com>; michael.dougherty <michael.dougherty@wyn.com>; tina.jordan <tina.jordan@wyn.com>; SReubens <SReubens@grancell-law.com>; shane.riedman <shane.riedman@cna.com> Cc: Brent.Wisniewski <Brent.Wisniewski@cna.com>; Steven.Anderson <Steven.Anderson@cna.com>; Shauna.Chiappella <Shauna.Chiappella@cna.com>; Bill.Boyd <Bill.Boyd@cna.com>; jthomas <jthomas@grancell-law.com>; dchun <dchun@grancell-law.com>; trichards <trichards@grancell-law.com>; jstander <jstander@grancell-law.com>; Favio.Corral <Favio.Corral@cna.com>; …

RTW? HERE I COME! Wyndham acquires the Queen Mary? WorkComp Policy is still like the Titanic!

How Does an Injured Wyndham Worker Return to Work? WorkComp Epic Fail!  WCAB, DOI, CAAA won’t help; FBI can’t help…so…Social Security makes legit medical care possible now  – How do other companies facilitate return to work for injured workers?  Let’s ask on Social Media, shall we? OUR WYNDHAM WORLDWIDE BRANDS? OPEN LETTER TO WYNDHAM LEAVE …

I worked for CNA

Many years ago, I also worked for #CNA. Today, I am an Injured Worker, ‘Protected’ by a CNA Worker’s Compensation policy, since January 9, 2012.    Perhaps this and other like groups will find value and lessons to be learned in this blog…  https://askaboutworkerscompgravytrains.com/list-of-posts. This is Brain Injury Awareness month! Think think think. Thomas …

#WorkComp Surveys…. Pros or Cons?

QUESTION: What’s up with the WorkComp “surveys”…Looks like “Big Money” is behind them. What do you think?  Maybe it’s a ‘good thing’?  Do your own research; Draw Your Own Conclusions!  Here’s more to get started… # # # “Share Your Workers’ Comp Story” http://www.propublica.org/article/the-demolition-of-workers-compensation “As part of our ongoing investigation, we invite you to tell us about …